Buyers buy solutions to their problems NOT your product features!
Sales Solutions
Sales Team Assessment
Working with sales, sales enablement and marketing, we will assess the current state of your sales process to include People, Process, Technology.
The results of our assessment are delivered back to our client with recommendations about next steps to consider.
Prospect Experience Strategy
Salespeople are struggling to get to first base; yet, prospecting is treated like a throw away portion of the sales process.
Positive Prospect Experiences are created at the company and individual selling level. You need a strategy and the right tools for both.
Prospect Experience Messaging
Message matters. Most sales messaging completely misses the mark and creates poor brand experiences to boot.
One executive described the emails he receives from strangers trying to sell something as feeling as if they are “trying to crowbar their way into my inbox.” These sellers have NO idea what problems target buyers are trying to solve. They often seem not to care.
Executive Brand Building
Sales executives need to build their personal brands and often lack the time, skill, tools or the know how to get it done.
Customized to meet the individual needs of each executive. Typically includes personal brand strategy, content development, building your digital audience, social media management done for you, media visibility/engagement and more.
Who hires us?
Chief Sales Officer, VP or Director of Sales, Front-Line Sales Manager
Sales Enablement Leader
Chief Marketing Officer, Digital Selling Director, Social Media Manager, Small Business Owners
How we work
Our services are billed on a retained basis for a minimum of 3 - 6 months. Anything less and strategies are rarely executed on and things rarely change!
All engagements begin with an assessment. The one-time assessment fee is credited to any company that then engages us for a minimum 6-month contract.
If you choose not to move forward with a more comprehensive engagement after the assessment is completed and delivered to you, we thank you for your business and hope the recommendations will be useful in planning improvements to your overall selling strategy.