
BRAND NEW! - SocialTech Tuesday 

Focused “how to” programs to help those still struggling with the nuts and bolts of using programs like LinkedIn effectively.

First program is Tuesday, June 4. These are affordable ($69) sessions that pack a punch. Our first session is Get LinkedIn or Get Locked Out. Get all the details and REGISTER NOW!

 Mastering the Art of Social Selling

It stands to reason that sales, the most social of business activities, would make use of social media. Social Selling brings together traditional sales processes with modern technology to approach today’s rapidly growing number of social savvy buyers. In our 5-week Mastering the Art of Social Selling training program, we’ll show you now Social Selling will help you create more leads, engage with buyers, shrink sales cycles and improve win rates. Learn more about our training program, including dates and registration for our next session.